New External Client Potential Claim Notification

Why do you believe the Council are to blame for the incident?
Please provide a description of the property / losses being claimed

We have a responsibility to Council Tax payers to ensure that all claims received are legitimate.

All information provided on this form and obtained during the investigation of your claim may be used by Doncaster Council and other outside organisations, including, but not limited to, the Claims & Underwriting Exchange (CUE) and the Motor Insurers Anti-Fraud and Theft Register run by the Motor Insurers' Bureau (MIB) to detect dishonest claimants and take appropriate action against anyone attempting to defraud the Council. In addition, we may share your information with our legal representatives, contractors or outside bodies who may be involved with the defence of the claim.

I declare that the information I have given on this form, and any associated documentation, is true and complete. I am aware that I may be liable to prosecution if I have provided the Council with information that I know to be false.

I confirm the above statement is true